
Public Exhibitions

In December 2023 we held two days of public exhibitions in Hay's Galleria and had 141 visitors. Please read what visitors to the exhibition told us by downloading the summary of feedback below.

Generally, people who attended were positive about the proposals and made some suggestions about the design and future use of The Scoop, useability and maintenance of the public realm and landscaping, as well as being supportive of the approach to increasing sustainability.


On the 25 January we hosted a Public Webinar to share updates that have been made to the proposal following comments.

36 people registered attendance with 17 attending the event. The architect presented the plans followed by a Q&A session. For those unable to attend a recording is available to view below.

We have also had 1,800 people visit this website since launching in November last year.

Keep up to date with news by registering for updates further below.

Updates To The Scheme

As the final scheme has developed, in preparation to submit a planning application, some updates have been made to the design which contribute positively to the overall scheme:

  • Structural refinements, resulting in a significant 27% reduction in steel usage compared to the earlier version of the scheme and saving 812 tonnes of CO2 emissions. Importantly, these structural enhancements have been achieved without any changes to the external appearance of the proposal

  • The material treatment of the lift shaft in The Scoop has been revised by extending blue/green enamelled finishes over its full height. This allows it to integrate more harmoniously with the overall architecture of the scheme